Tag: wings

  • Vele’Senna



    The dragon looks great! So brisk and slight to be true flying creature. Continuing to refine the design of Yuvari dragons, I have redesigned the wing joints to make more sense. Though the dragons of each flight are different in appearance, their general build and proportions are the same along with a few other small…

  • In the Forest



    It’s really nice to work with those green tones and I started to love brushes!! They are very helpful to create textures very fast. If you’re interested you can watch the whole creating process bellow. :D This is my 1h speedpicture of Sarkanys beautiful forest dragon. I used some brushes to make textures but the…

  • Крылья



    Крыло… Крыло? Откуда крылья?Ведь не умею даже им взмахнуть.Я думал были раньше крылья,А получив, от счастья не вздохнуть. Махнул крылом, впервые в жизни.И ветер ринулся вперед,Взмахнул еще, ценнее жизниУслышать ветер как поет. Смогу летать? Давай проверимВзмахнул еще и рьяным зверемНа встречу звёздам полетел,Но только вот, летать мы не умеем,И сон прогнал привычный рокот дел.

  • No way out



    Have a good hunt my winged sister. Finally created this for my dear friend!She wanted me to draw her both characters Thalathis and Kageerall in a region with rocks and mountains.It took pretty much time to draw it and poor Thala had to wait from November until now but I hope it was worth it.…